Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Like Coffee

No one likes studying, especially over Christmas break. Yet here I am, sitting in my local Starbucks, sipping on a piping hot peppermint latte. Coffee always seems to be best when either refreshingly iced or as I like to say, "warming to the soul". In my opinion, coffee can never be too hot. Even if I can only warm my hands against the mug while it's aroma wafts and fills my senses, I am satisfied. Sitting here for a few hours, I've had the opportunity to observe people give their orders. I find it interesting that everyone selects hot or cold coffee, no one desires a lukewarm beverage and if given one they will promptly send it back. Because it is mediocre.

Like coffee, people are one extreme or another. We never strive to be plain.

We have been created with passionate hearts. God has given you a passion for Him. When we attempt to live and serve him merely half-heartedly we are a disgusting failure.

He desires us to serve Him with a smoldering love, not one which has grown cold.

"I know all the things you do; that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish you were one or the other! But since you are like lukewarm water, I will spit you out of  my mouth... I correct and discipline everyone I love, so be diligent and turn from your indifference." - Revelation 3:15-19

The Church of Laodicea had grown lazy. They were neither passionate nor rebellious. Sounds a lot like our culture today. Most people consider themselves as relatively good people, doing good things, doing just enough to get by. Get fired up for God! Church attendance, occasional worship, and watered down service will not be accepted by God as an obedient life.

Ask yourself this question, "Am I hot for God?"

The choice is yours, but there are only two options. Will you be hot or cold?

Because God will expel mediocrity from His kingdom, in the same way you throw away your lukewarm beverage.

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