I love to bake. It's a type of therapy for me, a stress reliever of sorts. While my little brother and I decorated our annual batch of Christmas cookies, one phrase continued to pop into mind: "Cookie Cutter Christianity"
It has a negative connotation as believers over the years have gotten the rep of holding each other to standards that don't always have Biblical backing. We shouldn't feel pressured to act or appear a certain way just to fit into the Christian subculture. An example of this is Shia LaBeouf's recent conversion. When he accidentally let some expletives fly while giving his testimony, many Christians went so far as to question his salvation. We need to be patient and show grace to new believers as they grow in their faith.
However, many seasoned Christians swing to the opposite extreme and cry "Cookie Cutter Christianity" in defense when confronted about their poor reflection of Christ.
Stop using it as a copout.
We should resemble the God we claim to serve. Because while only God can judge, Matthew 12:33 reminds us that our actions reflect the condition of our heart. And if the Holy Spirit dwells within us, shouldn't God's hand be evidenced in our life? We shouldn't be spiritually stagnant, but should continue to grow and mature in our faith.
"Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit."
I am not saying that we all need to be identical, unvaried, perfect little cutouts of each other. Remember God has created us with different passions, talents, and desires. Remember not all of us are called to be pastors, missionaries, or leaders in the church. Some of us were meant to be bloggers, or farmers, or engineers, or teachers. Glorify God and serve His kingdom in the way He designed you to. What God desires is for us to seek to please Him in a brilliant display of gratitude. Shouldn't we want the world to be able to recognize us as being different, as being set apart? Shouldn't we want to be molded into the image of Christ?
Yes, Christianity can still be messy.
And even though we may come out of the refining fires a little broken, by grace we are still deemed beautiful in God's eyes.
"Never forget, you are my handmade creation, a one of a kind, and yes … you are "fearfully and wonderfully made." -Psalm 139:4
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